Media Resources
Wellness Media Resources
Relax and Enjoy the View!
Please enjoy our media resources including radio interviews, videos, and podcasts with our Dr. Tefft and other celebrities, “How To” instructions, and “Hints and Tricks” to firm up and slim down so you can achieve your best in health and fitness.

Videos and Video Podcasts
Tired of Being Tired? The Secret Is Out!
Look Great, Feel Great and Lose Weight Fast with BioCorrect Nutrition!
The fast, simple and scientific way to get in shape fast!
Feel and Look Your Youthful Best
Fox 11 News Exposé of Dr. Tefft’s Personalized Nutrition Program (2006)
We apologize for the video resolution. A higher resolution video is not available but the content remains informative.
How BioCorrect Nutrition™ Works
Lose Weight, Look Great and Feel Great An Intro to Personalized Nutrition
The BioCorrect Nutrition™ program is a clinically-proven, lab-directed, personalized nutrition program designed to naturally biocorrect one’s metabolic and biochemical imbalances to increase energy, burn fat, get stronger, be healthier and lose weight.
STOP FAKE NUTRITION! Mr. America’s Secrets
With Dr. Greg Tefft and Amirah Hall ( (2018)
Heal your body and lose weight naturally with your own personal nutrition plan and stop FAKE Nutrition. Amirah Hall interviews Dr. Gregory Tefft, world’s leading expert in personalized nutrition and 3-time Natural Mr. America. This is the ultimate natural health solution for weight loss, reduce disease and detox naturally and improve overall athletic performance.
Radio Interviews
Nutritional Hair Analysis: Your Hair is the Key to Your Health
with Dr. Greg Tefft
“How Do I Lose Weight to Date” with Dr. Greg Tefft – Feb. 13, 2018
For more than three decades, Dr. Tefft has helped famous actors, actresses, celebrities and professional athletes to quickly lose weight, look great and get into shape for their upcoming roles. Who wouldn’t want the same to be more attractive in a competitive dating scene?
You’ll learn why diets don’t always work; losing weight is not just counting calories, cutting out fats, proteins or carbohydrates; and measuring minerals via the BioCorrect Nutrition Analysis (BNA) and translating that into actionable diet and supplement program for natural weight loss and better health.
*Produced and syndicated by Joy and Daniel Davis of Beyond 50 Productions.
Pre-BioCorrect Nutrition
PodCasts, Webinars and Interviews with Dr. Greg Tefft
Dr. Tefft launched Best Body Pros in January 2017 as a nutrition and fitness training company as an update to Personalized Nutrition Consultants. Shortly afterward, it was decided to rename the company BioCorrect Nutrition™ and focus on his clinic-proven Tefft Method using a medically-proven clinical lab test and an individualized biocorrective nutrition program using foods and all natural supplements.
Boosting Brain Function with Dr. Greg Tefft
Live to 110 Podcast #79 with Wendy Myers: Published Oct 2014
Dr. Greg Tefft talks to Wendy about how to boost your brain function – something that is increasingly eluding us with the increasing prevalence of nutrient deficiency and toxicity-induced brain fog. Learn tips from one of the foremost experts on detoxification and personalized nutrition.
Brain fog is a vague symptom that cannot be treated or resolved at your doctor’s office, but something that every one of my clients complains about. Today you’re going to learn about boosting brain function and all the things hampering brain performance from Dr. Tefft.
2015 Santa Barbara REIA Meeting (Session 3 of 6)
Dr. Greg Tefft – Personalized Nutrition Consultants: Recorded 1-24-15
This is the 1st 30-minute recording of a 2-hour “Good Health” presentation at the 2015 Santa Barbara Real Estate Investors Association meeting.
As seen on FOX NEWS (and other networks), we are very proud and happy to have Dr. Greg Tefft as our main speaker to start off our 2015 SBREIA Meetings. After all, where would we be without our health? In the book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill placed health at the top of his list for being successful.
“Good Health provides us with the opportunity to enjoy everything else that life has to offer.” Let Dr. Greg Tefft assist us in learning how to take proper care of ourselves through his precise individualization process. An investment in our personal Health and Well-Being is the best investment possible. Dan and Maria Ringwald have actively utilized the Personalized Nutrition Program for a little more than six months. We are very excited with our results and would love to share our experience.
2015 Santa Barbara REIA Meeting (Session 4 of 6)
Dr. Greg Tefft – Personalized Nutrition Consultants: Recorded 1-24-15
This is the 2nd 30-minute installment of the 2 hour lecture.
Dr. Gregory H. Tefft is known as the “Mind-Body Connector” by Weider publications and America’s Leader in Personalized Nutrition by the OCN television network. He is a bestselling author, a recipient of the Reader’s Digest Health Awareness Award, clinical bio-nutritionist and wellness expert. Also, Dr. Tefft was on the Sports Medicine staff for the ‘84 Olympics, U.S. National Swim Team, and Race Across America.
As a top swimming contender for the US Olympic Team in 1972, he suddenly collapsed, unable to breathe. With a clinical diagnosis of asthma, he ventured from one hospital to the next, and was given a variety of medications just to be able to take the next breath. Believing he’d be on prescription drugs for the rest of his life, his future looked bleak. Dr. Tefft was not willing to accept this sad prognosis. He went far beyond the reach of conventional medicine to heal his asthma.
In this process, he uncovered the real truth that each of us has a unique biochemical identity that must be treated individually using natural means (not drugs) for real prevention, true healing, and maximum life expectancy to take place. Through this realization, Dr. Tefft dedicated his life to this specialization as he founded the Personalized Nutrition Consultants (PNC) and also became a triple-crown natural Mr. America as well as excelling in other sports.
2015 Santa Barbara REIA Meeting (Session 5 of 6)
Dr. Greg Tefft – Personalized Nutrition Consultants (1-24-15)
This is Part 3 of the 2 hour SBREIA meeting presentation by Dr. Greg Tefft (formerly of Personalized Nutrition Consultants) at the 2015 Santa Barbara Real Estate Investors Association meeting.
2015 Santa Barbara REIA Meeting (Session 6 of 6)
Dr. Greg Tefft – Personalized Nutrition Consultants: Recorded 1-24-15
This is Part 4 of the 2-hour SBREIA meeting presentation by Dr. Greg Tefft (formerly of Personalized Nutrition Consultants) at the 2015 Santa Barbara Real Estate Investors Association meeting.