How To Fix The Broken Healthcare System


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The autographed version of Dr. Tefft’s third book “How to Fix The Broken Healthcare System.

Imagine getting paid to be well. With no governmental bureaucracy or taxation, this book introduces a simple and practical solution to the healthcare crisis by actually paying people to make better health decisions. This revolutionary new paradigm is a money-incentivized system called WAP, or the Wellness Assurance Program.  It puts everyone in the driver’s seat of their own wellness destiny. Its motivating “wellness payback program” will inspire each of us to lead a healthier life. (Paperback)

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How To Fix The Broken Healthcare System
Let’s Get Paid To Be Well – Autographed Paperback Book

By Dr. Gregory Tefft and Lindy Tefft, MS

Imagine getting paid to be well. With no governmental bureaucracy or taxation, this book introduces a simple and practical solution to the healthcare crisis by actually paying people to make better health decisions. This revolutionary new paradigm is a money-incentivized system called WAP, or the Wellness Assurance Program.  It puts everyone in the driver’s seat of their own wellness destiny. Its motivating “wellness payback program” will inspire each of us to lead a healthier life.

WAP is divided into two parts:

PART 1: PREVENTION – Ancient Chinese healthcare traditions merge with scientific advancements forming an innovative health science known as the Tefft System. The investigative nature of this updated medical science combined with medical science gives us a huge advantage in prevention as it is devoted to detecting and correcting disease at its roots even before symptoms appear. Our “ drug-dominant quick-fix” healthcare system will be replaced by a medically-proven, individualized science that gets to the core of the wellness issue and addresses it naturally.

PART 2: WELLNESS REWARDS – Get paid to be well with an exciting cash payback system. Modern day buyer’s club principles are utilized to financially reward you for choosing the healthiest foods, wellness products, and services from your individualized Wellness Prescription. Your healthcare costs can be reduced or completely eliminated, and may actually provide retirement security. Ignite your life forever with scientifically correct health choices as guided by your personalized Wellness Assurance Program (WAP).

Finally, an end to needlessly sick people and a financially broken healthcare system! Hundreds of degenerative diseases, fatigue, and fatness will fall by the wayside and billions of dollars will be saved.

This is an autographed version of How to Fix the Broken Healthcare System.  Non-autographed books are available at

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