Metabolism Optimization Starter Plan


This 3-month metabolism optimization starter program was created specifically for our health therapy partner, O2 HealthLab to kick start and complement their world-leading therapies.  Nearly 99% of clients start with significant nutrient deficiencies or excesses and 90% have significant toxic mineral interferences.  The drug-free, anti-aging and metabolism optimization program precisely corrects and optimizes your faulty metabolism FAST! 

The inclusive program includes BNA tests, recommended supplements, a starter Detox, health consults and signature expanded food choice charts as a simple personalized package.  Clinically-proven, the process quickly detects and breaks up metabolic imbalances, energy blocks and toxic metal contamination to energize your metabolism and Look and Feel Great.

The program includes:

  • BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis (BNA) tests (2 tests)
  • BioCorrect Nutrition™ BNA derived Supplements (90-day supply)
  • Comprehensive BNA result and health consults (2 thirty-minute consults)
  • Whole Body Starter Cleansing Detox (1 detox program)
  • Tefft Method Signature Expanded Food Choice charts (2 BNA derived EFC charts)
  • Dr. Tefft’s Signature Crystalline Amino Formula (3 bottles of 250 capsules)
  • Ionic Plant Mineral Formula (2 bottles of 60 capsules)
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Metabolism Optimization Starter Plan

BioCorrect Nutrition™ is the only metabolism repair and optimization system using Dr. Gregory Tefft’s clinically-proven Tefft Method, first used by famous actors, models and athletes at the Malibu Health and Rehab Center.

This 3-month starter program was created in conjunction with our health therapy partner, O2 HealthLab ( to kick start and complement their world-leading Hyperbaric Oxygen, Polar Cryotherapy and CVAC Cell therapies.  It includes the perfect combination of lab tests, personalized nutritional supplements, food plans and health consults to precisely correct and optimize your metabolism just like the A+ list crowd.

Science is the Anti-Aging Secret

Most (~99%) starting clients have abnormal mineral patterns and 90% have significant heavy metal levels that slow their metabolism and affect their health.  The clinical lab-driven process quickly detects and breaks up metabolic imbalances, energy blocks and toxic metal contamination to increase your metabolism by up to 30%.  Consequently, you have more energy, youthfulness and accelerated fat burning to help you look and feel great.

How It Works

It starts with our bullet-proof BNA lab test, the most advanced tissue mineral analysis available.  Your BNA is a sensitive indicator of the long-term effects of diet, stress and toxic metal exposure.  These effects on your nutrient balance are difficult to obtain through other laboratory tests, such as blood.  The first BNA provides your mineral profile and a blueprint of your nutritional geno-metabolic activity.     The second BNA “retest” in 90-days displays the progress of your metabolic optimization process and defines next steps.

We start your process with Dr. Tefft’s Whole-Body Starter Cleansing Detox formula to gently “wake up” your natural detoxification systems.  Using your lab results, we design a personalized program of biocorrective supplements and foods to naturally correct imbalances and remove toxins 20-30 times faster than food alone.  Additionally, the program adds Dr. Tefft’s Signature Crystalline Amino and Ionic Plant Mineral formulas to help maximize your program results.

Every BNA test includes a 30-minute consult to explain your BNA test results and personalize your program.  As an added benefit, you get Dr. Tefft’s Signature Expanded Food Choice chart that details what foods should or shouldn’t be eaten for your unique body chemistry.

The program includes:
  • BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis (BNA) tests (2 tests)
  • BioCorrect Nutrition™ BNA recommended Supplements (90-day supply)
  • 30-minute comprehensive BNA result and health consults (2 consults)
  • Whole Body Starter Cleansing Detox (1 detox program)
  • Tefft Method Signature Expanded Food Choice charts (2 BNA derived EFC charts)
  • Dr. Tefft’s Signature Crystalline Amino Formula (3 bottles of 250 capsules)
  • Ionic Plant Mineral Formula (2 bottles of 60 capsules)

Look Great, Feel Great and Lose Weight by knowing precisely what your body needs.

BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis (BNA)

The BioCorrect NutritionAnalysis is a medically-proven test and proprietary algorithm.  It measures 36 key minerals and toxins in your hair tissue and compares them against a proprietary clinical database:

  • Age and gender
  • Metabolic rate types
  • Mineral interactions and associated clinical indicators
  • Toxic metal interference and their toxic effects
  • Nutrient / hormone / enzyme pathways
  • Digestion and endocrine system relationships
  • Nutrient content of food
  • Hormone systems
  • Known diet-related diseases

It accurately evaluates an individual’s metabolic biochemistry profile and biochemical imbalances.  As a result, we can recommend the best nutrient, food and booster combinations to rapidly correct metabolic imbalances.

These statements have not been directly evaluated by the FDA.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease as a substitution for standard medical care.

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