Stress Pattern Metabolism Optimization Plan


This 60-day metabolism optimization and retest program is recommended for clients with Stress Pattern (Slow 2,3,4 or Fast 2,3,4) metabolic types.  It is ordered as the second step after an initial BNA or to renew the process for another 60-days.

This program includes all of your BNA recommended supplements, our Signature Crystalline Amino and Ionic Plant Mineral formulas, and a follow-up BNA test and consult to check your program’s progress after 90 days.

The program includes:
  • BNA result recommended supplements (60-day supply)
  • Signature Crystalline Amino Formula (2 x 250 capsules)
  • Dr. Tefft’s recommended Ionic Plant Minerals (1 x 60 capsules)
  • BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis (BNA) retest to check the program’s progress
  • Signature Expanded Food Choice chart (updated from BNA retest results)
  • BNA retest consult (30-minute)


Stress Pattern Metabolism Optimization Plan (60-day)

We recommend this 60-day metabolism optimization program for clients with Stress Pattern (Slow 2,3,4 or Fast 2,3,4) metabolic types.  Order this package as the next step following your initial BNA or to renew the biocorrection process for another 60-days.

It includes all of your BNA recommended supplements, Signature Crystalline Amino and Ionic Plant Mineral formulas, and a BNA retest with consult to check your progress.

 The program includes:
  • BNA recommended supplements (60-day supply)
  • Signature Crystalline Amino Formula (2 x 250 capsules)
  • Dr. Tefft’s recommended Ionic Plant Minerals (1 x 60 capsules)
  • BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis (BNA) retest to check your progress after 60 days
  • Signature Expanded Food Choice chart (updated with BNA retest report)
  • BNA retest consult (30-minute)

This program represents the biocorrection phase of the Metabolism Repair and Optimization system using the clinically-proven Tefft Method.  It is the only nutritional program that classifies your metabolic rate type based on energy production as proven by university metabolism studies.

We first assessed your body’s ability to digest, absorb and utilize nutrients and eliminate wastes with our bullet-proof BNA test, the most advanced tissue mineral analysis test of its kind available.  We compared your test results against a proprietary clinical database to provide a blueprint of your nutritional geno-metabolic activity.  Approximately 99% of clients have abnormal mineral patterns and 90% have significant heavy metal levels that affect their health.

The program uses your BNA results to apply a personalized combination of USP-grade nutraceutical supplements.  You add more of the deficient nutrients needed and less excess nutrients until achieving metabolic balance.  These supplements work 20-30X faster than food alone to correct your faulty metabolism.   Dr. Tefft’s “Signature Expanded Food Choice” system clarifies your best food choices whether you prefer a vegetarian or meat-eating diet.

These statements have not been directly evaluated by the FDA.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease as a substitution for standard medical care.


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