One of the first fears when one thinks of hair, is the thought of losing that gorgeous mark of humanity.  Men dread the thought of “male pattern baldness,” while most women are annoyed at the thought of thinning hair and others may actually develop bald spots.

Both sexes agree on this: the more healthy hair on the scalp, the better; and the longer it stays there, the better!  Your hair is meant to be on the top of your head, so let’s do our best to keep it there.

Balding and/or thinning are held to be synonymous with bad hygiene, familial genetics, hormonal imbalances, poor or improper diets, stress, dangerous chemical treatments in salons, chemotherapy, radiation and even lithium treatments for anxiety. Unfortunately, many people fail to recognize hair loss until they actually see it beginning to fall out, when prevention was the most critical factor.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Megaton of Cure

If the process of accelerated hair loss (AHL) has begun, it can be stopped. At the very least, we can slow it down dramatically and in some cases new hair growth can be stimulated. Those who don’t take prevention seriously will inevitably suffer more hair loss over time. The secret of keeping hair is balancing nutrition in the body to create more Anagen which stimulates hair growth and less Telogen which causes it to stop growing and/or die.

What Baldness and Thinning Factors Can You Control at This Moment?

AHL variables are often easily identified, sometimes before there any noticeable hair loss and sometimes not. Obviously, if your parents or siblings suffer AHL, it’s very likely that it will affect you as well. Less obviously, increased retention of mercury in your body cumulatively “chokes off” hair follicles. But how would you know about this without some special insight?

Nutrition Secrets and Hair – Stop Hair Loss at the Root

“You can’t judge a book by its cover,” and it’s the same for your hair. It pays to look deeper than face value for the truth about your hair’s future – will it be long or short?

Fundamentally, every health issue begins with one’s nutritional status. If you don’t know your exact nutritional status, mineral-by-mineral, vitamin-by-vitamin and toxin-by-toxin, you’re severely limited. In fact, nutrition has a dramatic impact on “hair conservation” when you know what you’re doing at the nutritional level. Proper insights here can make all the “hair” difference in the world.

From the generalized world of nutrient and toxic considerations regarding hair; there are certain nutrients and toxins, health processes and related habits that are typically associated with hair loss concerns.

These are:
1. Nutrient imbalances of vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, Folic acid, Biotin, C, F, inositol.
2. Nutrient imbalances of minerals including sulfur, calcium, potassium, silicon, zinc, copper, manganese, and the presence of heavy toxic metals such as mercury, uranium, arsenic and aluminum.
3. Miscellaneous imbalances of L-methionine, L-cysteine, certain hormones, and Omegas 3-6-9-12 (essential fatty acids).
4. Factors such as accelerated aging (slowing metabolism), microwave exposure, constipation, ingestion of irradiated and genetically modified soy, chronic illness, hypothyroidism, blood vessel blockage from bleached flour, excess saturated fats, high sucrose and excess fructose (i.e. high-fructose corn syrup) intake (which consumes minerals), severe stress, chronic fatigue, surgery, post-partem hormones, female estrogen disorders, birth-control and reserve nutrient depletion, lack of physical activity air and water pollution, excessive-unchecked sweating with poor air circulation, smoking, drugs — especially stimulants, excess alcohol and coffee intake, overuse of antibiotics, hair treatment dyes, bleaching, perms, excessive blow drying, high rollers, hair sprays, overuse of plastic combs and rubber bands, and excess chlorine exposure from swimming.

Other Related Hair Disorders Beyond Simple AHL – Simplified
  1. Alopecia Areata – autoimmune response due to genetic and nutrition/toxic factors and hidden allergies.
  2. General alopecia –generally referred to as male pattern baldness, which has components related to nutritional/toxic status, stress and genetic influences.
  3. Brittle hair – associated with a deficiency of sulfur-dense amino acids, iron deficiencies and excess calcium retention.
  4. Seborrheic dandruff – caused by a free radical rancidity of oils in combination with improper nutrition.
  5. Scaly seborrhea – toxic and nutritional imbalances.
  6. Waxy seborrhea – toxic and nutritional imbalances with typically extreme excess minerals.
  7. Oily seborrhea – generally a problem with essential fatty acid metabolism, due to zinc, copper selenium, and sulfur imbalances.
  8. Dry hair/gray hair – associated with (excess or deficiency of) sulfur-dense amino acids, excess calcium, unbalanced zinc to copper ratios, and long-standing deficiencies of copper, and synergistically iron and manganese.
  9. Ingrown hair – generally a curly hair problem.
  10. Oily hair – mostly to do with zinc and copper imbalances.
  11. Scald head – generally, an allergic and sometimes infectious process due to lack of scalp oxygenation, in combination with a weak immune system and poor hygiene (mostly seen in infants).

A healthy approach to hair is the same as a healthy approach to the body.  If you treat your body well, you treat your hair well.

If You Can’t Measure It… You’re Guessing!

I can’t make this point enough. Everything begins with directly measuring the actual nutrient and toxic levels within your body. From this baseline nutrient/toxic profile, applying more of what your body is deficient and eliminating of its excesses, while strategically and systematically detoxifying poisons is the best way to optimum metabolic health. This is referred to as the Law of Opposites. It works every time, for every body and for that matter every follicle of hair. It is the scientific basis for the BioCorrect Nutrition™ program with millions of data points to demonstrate.

A Word of Warning: Start with simple, measurable and move inside-out. Basic proper nutrition is often the best and safest avenue. Beware the nonsense of one-size-fits-all, mega-generalized nutrition practices & supplements which are promoted as end-all hair restoration approaches. Many of these ideas actually do more harm than good, not only to your hair but potentially to your body as well.

Do you remember from high school science class Newton’s 3rd Law; “For Every Action, there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction?”  Too much or too little of one mineral will affect the level or effectiveness of another mineral or vitamin.  Separating hair from how you treat the rest of your body’s other tissues and their cells, is a fallacy! That’s why it’s called a body.

Of course there are always hygiene considerations which must be maintained; however, the BioCorrect Nutrition™ approach is designed to restore the optimum body chemistry for your genetics, resulting in the most vibrant health and energetic life imaginable.  Looking your best and feeling your best always goes together, and hair gets a free ride in this process.

Clinical Case Overview

People using the BioCorrect Nutrition™ program often report improvements in hair’s quantity and quality, not to mention other noticeable changes for the better. More and faster growing hair, softer textures, richer colors, increased flexibility, greater manageability and greater shine are just some of the reported benefits.  For those who suffer accelerated hair loss as the primary reason for nutritional rebalancing; we’ve only heard praise for years.

Example 1: a woman had lost most of her hair over time, and consequently wore a wig to cover up her depressing blight. When she went on our biocorrective nutrition program, her hair grew back over about a 90 day period.  She had multiple nutrient deficiencies/excesses/imbalances with toxic mercury elevation.

Her initial testing identified 23 essential nutrient imbalances (excesses and deficiencies) out of 30 measured, with huge contaminations of mercury and aluminum. We can only deduce from her dramatic response that her nutritional disorder was extreme, and putting her biochemistry back in balance allowed her body to recover rapidly.  Without measuring for abnormal mineral levels and modifying her biochemical levels, she might be still wearing wigs. Measuring imbalances directly and applying the Law of Opposites proved to be her salvation and as she put it, “Her Celebration.”  Maybe it’s your turn?

Exceptions to the “Root”

There are those individuals whose hair status responds more slowly than others using a “saturation effect”* which is core to the BioCorrect Nutrition™ program.

* Saturation is a term for the method of nutrient input used by this program which involves only oral, all-natural nutrients without adaptogens, prohormones, emulsions, target chelation, infusions, etc.)

Primary Reasons for Slow Hair Restoration Response

  1. Continued need for extra methionine to help in the conversion of B6. More vitamin B-12 (where applicable) and folic acid, Biotin and P-5-P ( the activated form of Pantethine) in combination with the need for a greater sulfur amino acid input for protein building in the skin and hair.
  2. Persisting allergies that should be attenuated with pertinent IgG antibody measurement and lab directed intervention.
  3. Deficiency of Linoleic Acid or a faulty enzyme called delta-6-desaturase (D6D) which interferes with Linoleic Acid conversion into a beneficial fatty acid. This relationship can be easily examined and corrected using a simple blood test.
  4. Excessive lithium accumulation.
  5. Excessive soft tissue calcium.
  6. Poor circulation which may not be noticeable until improved.
  7. Deficiency of silica, keratin and sulfur overall, sometimes in combination with a low zinc content in the skin.
  8. Estrogen to progesterone abnormalities in women and testosterone to dihydrotestosterone imbalances in men, which are not responding quickly to core therapy.
  9. Sluggish thyroid and adrenal glands.
  10. Overall amino acid reserve deficiency (which can be checked with an amino acid test).

Hair Growth 101

Aside from ruling out and directly addressing the above 10 itemized dysfunctional hair growth problems; it is wisest to avoid all the capillary clogging foods such as:

  • White flour
  • Concentrated sugar
  • Highly processed foods
  • Overcooked foods
  • Saturated fats
  • Allergenic foods
  • High purine foods and nicotine/caffeine which are vasoconstrictors
  • Avoid shampoos with coconut fatty acids, lanolin, or cholesterol derivatives as foam boosters
  • Small molecule proteins like Keratin shampoos for amino induction into hair shafts
Alternatives to Consider
  • Juice an onion and rub into the scalp before washing hair
  • Lather Yucca shampoos into the scalp for the Saponins
  • White Willow, Birch and Wintergreen, Mint, Rosemary, Nettle, Lavender, Basil, Yarrow, and Horsetail teas and rubs are helpful to break down clogs and stimulate circulation.
  • The Helsinki Formula has also been shown to be helpful, generally speaking.

Warm water may expand the hair root cells and allow the hair root to slip out of the scalp.  Alternatively, rinse the scalp with cold water and rub 1 teaspoon of Celtic salt per glass of water into the scalp to tighten the scalp.

The rest of your most “deep-rooted” AHL can be found in BNA testing and with BioCorrect Nutrition™ program perseverance.

About the BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis

The BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis is a medically-proven, clinical laboratory test that measures 37 minerals and toxic metals in a person’s hair. The levels of these 36 key elements are directly related to the proper function of vitamins and enzymes; and once measured can be balanced to increase metabolic rates and energy production.

We understand how important your hair is to you.  BioCorrect Nutrition™ partners with hair salons in Southern California to collect hair specimens for a small fee if you decide that you don’t want to collect your hair yourself, or you don’t have someone to help you. If this sounds like something for you, please check the BioCorrect Nutrition™ website for a hair salon near you.

Know Precisely What Your Body Needs… It’s In Your BNA

Suggested Reading:
1. Tefft, GH. Your Personal Life. Westlake Village, CA: Angel Mind, 2006
2. Tefft, GH. For Your Body Only: Discover the Diet You Were Born to Eat. Dragon Door Publications, 2003
3. Watt, D.L. “Commonly Asked Questions About Hair Mineral Analysis.” US: Trace Elements, 1999
4. Watts, D.L. Trace Elements and Other Essential Nutrients. T.E.I., 1995

These statements have not been directly evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease as a substitution for standard medical care.