When you look at life, you must consider the good with the bad — and in Clint Eastwood style — the ugly (as in “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly” western)!  This is true for nutrition as well, once you understand exactly what it is that you are up against.

“Good Nutrition” is that (food, supplements, water, air) which nourishes the body in the most efficient way possible. “Bad Nutrition” is that which antagonizes the efficient nourishment of the body. Within this “Bad” category lays the “Ugly.”  Ugly nutrition should be considered as anything that is breathed in, absorbed through the skin or mucus membranes, drunk or eaten — which has no place in helpfully nourishing the body, in fact — quite the opposite!

The most extreme opposite of good nutrition – Ugly — can be thought of as those specific compounds found in the air, the water, and our food which directly damage our bodies. We classify these substances as “toxins” and they absolutely do not belong in our bodies to any great degree, because they are of no healthful value to the body and worse — they can (and will) kill us if not detected and eliminated properly.

The process of detecting these poisons or toxins, and then eliminating them is called “Detoxification.” But make no mistake about it; detoxification is a very precise process, which first begins with knowing exactly what you are up against in the way of toxins and their effects.  This requires directly testing the body for the presence of the toxins, and then using the exact tools proven to rid the body of this “ugly stuff.”

Unfortunately, so-called general detoxification procedures may (and usually) have no effect at all on these killers.  Clinically, I’ve seen many people attempt detoxification without knowing what they’re supposed to be detoxifying and when tested, these persons still (surprisingly to some) contain an amazing amount of toxins that they never knew were in their bodies before testing directly for these “Uglies.” This is why we always suggest testing first, and detoxify second – completely and precisely!

At the very top of the of the “Ugly” toxin list lies the most fundamental toxic stuff on our planet Earth, or what personalized nutritionists refer to as the most deadly elemental toxins.  By referring to these toxins as fundamental (or elemental), we’re referring to the fact that these particular toxins represent the smallest intact (poisonous-to-life) particles found in the universe – atoms (or elements) which because they are mined from the Earth’s crust are referred to simply as minerals.

But they represent a type or class of minerals called toxic minerals, or more specifically, toxic heavy metals. There are seven of these killers of greatest concern and the more we know exactly which ones are plaguing our unique bodies, the faster that we can get rid of them. By name, source, symptoms and by the type of damage they cause to our bodies, they are:

1. Mercury

Mercury was known by “quack” doctors, who in the past dispensed this silvery “medicine” (which was referred to as Quicksilver), as “mercurial diuretics” medicine.  It was also found in Calomel lotion for itchy skin and also skin lighting creams.

  • Mercury historically caused “Hatter’s Shakes” amongst those working in hat factories who handled the processing of felt for hats. This is from where the “Mad Hatter” character in “Alice in Wonderland” came. Sir Isaac Newton, the famous 17th century physicist who discovered gravity, experienced fluctuating dark moods and marked personality changes, which were a later found to have been caused by elevated concentrations of mercury as extracted from archived samples of Newton’s hair.  It is now thought that his madness was attributed to his exposure to mercury during his experiments with it to study its properties.
  • The Earth’s crust releases over 30,000 tons of mercury into the air per year along with man-made contamination of at least 6,000 tons per year – thanks to the manufacture of electrical switches, the electrolysis industry, and fungicides.  Over 90 tons of mercury are used annually just in making dental amalgams.
  • Contaminated fish, tooth fillings, fungicides, algaecides, insecticides, certain vaccines, paper and lumber products – are all sources of this deadly metal.  Whole families have been reported to develop mercury poisoning symptoms during the winter months due to the burning of newspapers and building materials in their fireplaces.
  • Many grains and cereals are contaminated thanks to the fungicides, algaecides, and insecticides used in their specific farming and processing procedures.
  • Mercury accumulates in many human tissues such as the brain, eyes, liver, kidneys, and thyroid gland.  In fact, it is not that uncommon to find people who suffer from hypothyroidism to have mercury toxicity.
  • It is considered a major cause for cataract formation, and is also associated with hand weakness, blushing, excess salvation, genetic damage, accelerated free radical oxidation, iron poor blood, premature male hair loss, female problems, skin rashes, irritability, paraesthesis, retinitis, speech difficulties, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, erythrism, depression, loss of short-term memory, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, fatigue, spontaneous tremors, deficits in psychomotor performance, gingivitis, stomatitis, gastrointestinal disturbances, metallic taste, increased susceptibility to infection, joint and limb pain and much more; simply by undermining the functions of other essential nutrients – most decidedly iron, zinc, sulfur, selenium and their specific vitamin synergists.

2. Aluminum

Aluminum is a major source of this deadly toxin is aluminum cooking utensils.  Also indicted as sources are; aluminum foil, baking powder, antacids, antiperspirants, cat litters, infant formulas, medicine buffers, herbs, acid rain, and contaminated water supplies.

  • Its accumulation in the body is known to contribute to the deterioration of mental function aka “dialysis dementia,” Alzheimer’s disease, memory dysfunction, bone deterioration, enzyme inhibition and direct suppression of normal immune function.
  • The absorption of aluminum is enhanced in the presence of low thyroid activity, which in turn stimulates an increase parathyroid function — generally a result of poor nutrition and lifestyle habits.  Ultimately, this metal is considered a potent neurotoxin, which loves to accumulate in neurofibrillary tangles of neurons which typically characterize the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, in those who suffer amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases.
  • It also loves to attack bone, blood proteins, kidneys and other tissues.
  • Functionally/symptomatically, aluminum toxicity can cause abnormal speech, muscle jerks, bone fractures, convulsions, and interferes with overall calcium metabolism and parathyroid control.
  • Aluminum undermines the functions of at least six minerals and their vitamin synergists wreaking metabolic havoc throughout the body.  Its removal (detoxification) from the body has one safeguard to consider; there is a risk of mobilizing large amounts of aluminum to the brain, which may enhance its deterioration (called encephalopathy).

3. Lead

Lead is probably considered the most notable toxic heavy metal found widely distributed throughout the environment strictly due to human activities throughout history.

  • It has caused health issues from the ancient Egyptians use as a cooling plaster for skin conditions and cosmetics, throughout the history of the Roman empire when it was once known as the Roman metal, right through the artist Van Gogh’s poisoning, and onward to modern times as found in lead pipe-solder, brass fixtures and valves, paints, pottery, cosmetics, pesticides, metal polish, glass production, general industry, smelters, battery manufacturing, electroplating, hair dyes, leaded gasoline, and even – candy, chili tamarind, home remedies (azarcon-greta-payloolah), dinner plates, imported silver jewelry, bicycle handles, and children’s toys, shoes and crayons.
  • It can cause decreased appetite, concentration difficulties, fatigue, tremors, headaches, constipation, abdominal pain, vomiting, vertigo, joint pains, anorexia, colic, muscle weakness, numbness and tingling in the extremities, hyperactivity, emotional instability, hostility, behavioral disorders, attention deficit or ADD, seizures, decreased IQ, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and unexplained weight loss.
  • It is known to suppress the immune system, damage kidneys, cause arthritis, instigate hypertension, and predispose still-births.
  • In children, even those who exhibit no obvious signs of lead exposure, it is especially known to impair concentration, short-term memory, cause insomnia, promote anxiety, predispose irritability – all in conjunction with reduced visual intelligence and visual motor coordination tests and foster learning disabilities.  As point of fact, children are more susceptible to lead toxicity than adults because their small body size cannot handle much exposure; they tend to retain more lead than adults as part of their metabolic nature and because they are shorter and closer to the ground/soil, where lead tends to collect and ready to be inhaled or make contact with the skin.
  • Lead voraciously displaces bone calcium, destroys normal cartilage tissue, attacks the teeth, and directly antagonizes iron, copper, sulfur and zinc within their synergistic nutrient functions throughout metabolism.

4. Arsenic

Arsenic like lead has an extensive history.  It was once utilized as medication for treating ailments, and Napoleon himself was suspected to have died to arsenic poisoning (Arsenic was commonly used during this historical period to remove one’s enemies).  Quite in fact, his hair sample demonstrated abnormally high arsenic levels, although the wallpaper in his home also contained high amounts of arsenic, which might have been the source of his exposure rather than from actual covert poisoning.

  • Much seafood obtained from coastal waters such a shrimp, oysters, and mussels have been found to contain large amounts of arsenic.
  • High levels of arsenic have been found in soil, insecticides; and the fumes from burned building materials in fireplaces, along with coal combustion and smelters.
  • It has been found in opium samples as determined by testing the hair of opium addicts.
  • Its long list of symptoms can include burning sensations of the mouth and throat, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, anemia, confusion, convulsions, drowsiness, dermatitis, respiratory tract infection, headaches, muscle aches, weakness, hyperpigmentation of the skin, pigmentation of nails, and increased risk of skin, lung, and liver cancers.
  • It upsets, metabolism by neutralizing the actions of certain proteins, interfering with enzymes involved in energy production, and directly antagonizes phosphorus in its effort to form the primary energy molecule of the body, ATP (aka adenosine triphosphate) – which robs energy from every cellular function imaginable!

5. Cadmium

Cadmium is a poison which is directly given off by the burning of petrochemicals (i.e. auto exhaust, plastics, tobacco, and tires).  It is also the byproduct of zinc and lead smelters, general battery manufacturing, cadmium plating, electroplating, rechargeable batteries, and paint pigments.  It has also found used as a stabilizer for PVC pipes, and in certain fertilizers, which in turn, toxify the soil and the foods that we eat that come from it.

  • Many symptoms can occur, such as headache, fatigue, and bone pain.  By interfering with zinc in its effort to bind with cellular enzymes, it severely undermines the immune system at large, causes bone and kidney disease, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, emphysema and an assortment of reproductive disorders.

6. Uranium

Uranium is perhaps one of the most of fear provoking of all deadly elements, thanks to the atomic age, is “alive and well” in a staggering amount of human bodies.

  • Uranium is the heaviest natural element. It can be found in pitchblende and carnotite formations within the Earth’s crust, and its enriched forms create the basis for nuclear weapons materials and weapons.
  • Most elemental Uranium is found as the U238 isotope which is the non-enriched form and the isotope measured by the BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis.  It is by no means essential to the human body – in fact, quite the opposite as is the case with all of the seven deadly toxins.  You may already know that this mineral can be radioactive and consequently can combine with oxygen atoms to form highly reactive oxygen species (or ROS) – which in turn can cause cell membrane damage, genetic alterations, infant mortality, loss of taste, hearing dysfunction, skin damage, tissue deterioration, loss of hair, accelerated aging, increased disease susceptibility and cancer.
  • In 1990, the United States government stated that radiation was three times more deadly than they had previously thought (AEC report). The radioactive mineral gas called Radon is known to emanate from stone and soil uranium leaking into at least 20 million homes in the U.S. by seeping in through basements, dirt floors, cracks, drains, joints, pores, water wells, and stone fireplaces.
  • Geographically speaking, regions with more granite and rocky soils contain typically higher amounts of uranium, and therefore tend to show up in more people within those regions through locally grown foods and water sources.  Contaminated groundwater, mining, coal burning, phosphate fertilizers, photographic materials, ceramics, colored glass, and even light bulbs can increased exposure dramatically – not to mention contaminated fertilizers and tuber type foods (like carrots and radishes), which tend to trap uranium within them.
  • A reduction in exposure to uranium and improved nutritional status will improve the mobilization and excretion of this element from the body. It tends to obstruct the healthful functions of certain antioxidant minerals and their vitamin counterparts.

7. Antimony

Antimony is probably the least known about of the seven deadly toxins is found in heavy industry and metallurgy.  At this moment in time it is also considered to be the least clinically significant of the deadly seven because there is not much studied in relation to toxicity symptoms and effects.

  • High body levels do indicate unnecessary exposure that should be investigated further, and are considered to be a risk factor for disease.
  • From a homeopathic standpoint, it has several uses for some maladies like asthma and certain cancers.  But as is the nature of homeopathics; the more dilute, the more effective the homeopathic medicine. The converse of this is that greater concentrations of homeopathics are poisonous.  So in effect, we would conclude that less is better.
  • It is also true that this mineral exerts certain degrees of antagonism to all the other minerals, and therefore should be kept in check; just like the other “Ugly” 7 Deadly Toxins – we need to eliminate it and pave way for only the “Good” elements of nutrition to take over!

In actuality, bringing in the “good” and moving out the bad or “Ugly” needs to happen simultaneously for best results.

Some Less Deadly Toxic Metals

There are some chemical elements which are considered somewhat essential to humans but are still considered to be significantly toxic thankfully at least, not to the health robbing degree of the “deadly seven.”  Still, they need to be removed from the body whenever in excess, in order to remove their antagonistic effects on metabolism.

By name they are: Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Lithium, Nickel, and Strontium. Furthermore, remember that even the most essential elements like calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous zinc, iron, etc. – when in excess will also deteriorate the body.

What’s Next?

First you must detect if any of these toxic metals reside inside your body!!  Once you’ve detected one or more of the “Deadly 7”, then what?  Let’s get rid of the Uglies once and for all, of course!  Nourish the body properly at exactly the same time because one process helps the other, but it’s not quite as easy as many people may think.  Why?  Because of “detox specificity” and “nourishment specificity.”

There are 4 general guidelines for heavy metal detoxification as follows:

  1. Avoid exposure to heavy metals by knowing where they exist as much as possible (Please realize that everyone is exposed to some degree of heavy metal deposition found in foods, beverages, and just about all environmental sources).
  2. Reduce gastrointestinal absorption by reducing the rate of absorption from food and drink by utilizing certain food components, such as different fibers which contain specific agents that bind heavy metals – barring them from being absorbed or demonstrably reducing the amount of toxic metals which can be absorbed from the gut (Please realize also that the rate of heavy metals can be exceedingly variable from one individual to the next, so that results from increased dietary fiber will vary accordingly).
  3. Increase elimination of the “Deadly 7” through the use of certain natural chelating and complexing substances, which expedite the removal of these toxics by forming water-soluble complexes which the kidneys can eliminate easily (Please keep in mind that there is more aggressive chelation therapy available to accelerate this process, and where detox specificity is most achievable).
  4. Add in competing nutrient elements such as BioCorrect Nutrition™ Supplements which will automatically displace the heavy metals, and subsequently overcome their toxic effects when they are proportioned correctly (Please realize that this is where nourishment specificity is most poignant).

Know Precisely What Your Body Needs…  “It’s In Your BNA”

To learn if these 7 Deadly Toxins reside inside you, please refer to your BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis (BNA) report or order your BNA today.  The BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis is a medically-proven, clinical laboratory test that measures 36 trace and toxic minerals in a patient’s hair sample; which correspond to an individual’s biochemical and metabolic status.  From the millions of patients tested over the past 30+ years, much has been further studied and learned about the interactions of these minerals with vitamins, enzymes, hormones and other biochemical processes.

We will explore the sciences of detoxification and nourishment specificity in the next article “Terminating the Deadly 7 Through Personalized Detoxification.”

Further Suggested Reading:
1. Tefft, GH. Your Personal Life. Westlake Village, CA: Angel Mind, 2006
2. Tefft, GH. For Your Body Only: Discover the Diet You Were Born to Eat. Dragon Door Publications, 2003
3. Watts, D.L. “Commonly Asked Questions About Hair Mineral Analysis.” US: Trace Elements, 1999
4. Watts, D.L. Trace Elements and Other Essential Nutrients. T.E.I., 1995.

These statements have not been directly evaluated by the FDA.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease as a substitution for standard medical care.