Better Sex is about energy.  The more energy you have to support and drive every aspect of your body, the greater the chance for an ecstatic sex life.

It’s this same high potential of energy production which also resists degeneration in the body by accentuating all of its functions for maximum resistance to disease and all physiological break-down which in turn allows a higher quality and quantity of life.  In effect, a higher energy-healthy body will always provide a better sexual experience.  With so much riding on the happiness that we derive from our sex life, it’s important not to take this for granted – ever!

Greater energy is based on a more efficient and faster metabolism.  A faster, more efficient metabolism is one that literally “burns” its food more completely; in less time, with less fat accumulation and with fewer toxic residues.  The essence of a fast metabolism is one that creates as much energy from as little food as possible – this is the goal for one and all interested in the best life possible including the best sex life.

“Before” and “After” Measurement of Metabolism

A faster and more balanced metabolism is the absolute objective of BioCorrect Nutrition™ metabolism optimization programs, which we provide.  That is why one’s geno-metabolic activity is measured and Metabolic Rate/Type is classified when tested.  Your BNA test (BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis) provides an initial baseline of metabolic rate and how your cells utilize available nutrients.  Here, we have a starting point from which other tests can be compared in order to measure an increased metabolic rate.  In other words, we have a “before-snapshot” of your metabolism.  You can actually see your metabolism rate increase as you follow your personalized nutrition program and compare it to and “after-snapshot” which is when there is a re-test.  Subsequently, we have a “before” and “after” metabolism based upon clinical measurements at the deepest levels of cellular function.

It’s important to realize that degenerative disease can only occur as metabolism slows down and/or becomes imbalanced due to dis-relationships which can develop between brain/nerve (the autonomic nervous system); endocrine glands (such as thyroid and adrenal) and each of the 14 different types of cellular compartments (bone, muscle, organs, skin, lymphatics, etc.).  Subsequently, the net effect of “metabolic slowdown” or in layman’s terms – “degeneration” – is less energy production.  The total effect of no energy production is simply death.

Sex – A Closer Look

More energy means more life – more life in everything you do, especially sex.  Better metabolism is achievable through the elimination of nutrient and toxic disturbances and is the foundation for best sex.

However, there are some special concerns that we must have about certain metabolic, nutritional and physio-chemical relationships which come up time and time again for the sex life of a person; who complains that it is becoming less enjoyable than it should be or used to be.  The best news here is that the special nutrition-related problems listed below are easily remedied with BioCorrect Nutrition™.

Underlying causes of less sexual enjoyment (for both sexes)

  1. Slow-imbalanced metabolism – caused by improper diet and supplementation.
  2. Overweight problems – caused by improper diet-supplementation and inactivity.
  3. Poor circulation – caused by improper diet-supplementation and inactivity.
  4. Chronic pain (especially back pain) – caused by lack of proper posture management, lack of exercise and proper diet and supplementation.
  5. Low or imbalanced hormone interaction – caused by improper diet-supplementation and lack of vigorous exercise.
  6. Anxiety or depression – caused by excessive stress in combination with improper diet and supplementation, lack of physical activity and recreation.
  7. Sexual inhibitions – caused by familial and religious influences along with body awareness problems brought about from having a less attractive body which in turn is caused by improper diet-supplementation, and lack of physical activity.

Special medical concerns, (many directly related to the 7 underlying causes of less sexual enjoyment listed above) – there are some serious medical concerns, which will have an inhibitory effect on sexual function every time.

  • Sexual anorexia – known as inhibited sexual desire or decreased libido; this can include a biological manifestation of depression, substance abuse, excessive prolactin-to creating pituitary tumors or testosterone deficiency.
  • Vaginismus – classified as an involuntary muscle spasm which occurs in response to attempted penetration.  This syndrome may be caused by prior sexual trauma or fear of sex but rarely by organic causes.
  • Anorgasmia – known as orgasmic dysfunction.  This is the inability of a woman to reach or achieve orgasm due to a dysfunctional syndrome which follows a progression that begins with difficulty in arousal.
    • Any chronic illness can negatively affect arousal.  Statistically, orgasmic dysfunction is linked to organic causes in less than 5% of the cases.  Organic causes include – diabetes, alcoholism, neurological disturbances, hormonal deficiencies, and pelvic disorders – such as infections, and even surgical scarring.
    • Certain drugs such as narcotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, as well as antihypertensive medications can also inhibit the experience of orgasms.
  • Rapid orgasm – a rare problem, whereby once and orgasm occurs there is little subsequent interest in any further sexual activity.
  • Dyspareunia – painful intercourse is very common.
    • Pain may be experienced during arousal or at the time of orgasm or during the initiation of intercourse, midway or even after intercourse.
    • The pain may have multiple sensations such as burning, sharpness, searing or cramping and may be described as external, vaginal, deep abdominal or pelvic.
    • A large variety of psychosocial and organic causes have been identified by clinicians. Less than adequate lubrication may make penetration and/or intercourse difficult and/or painful; certain drugs which have a drying effect, such as antihistamines, some tranquilizers and marijuana.
    • Disorders such as diabetes, vaginal infections and estrogen deficiency can also add to the lubrication problem.
    • Skin problems around the vagina opening and the vulva (external genitalia), cholesterol putrification or infection, disorders of the vagina opening such as an episiotomy scarring, intact hymen, chronically infected hymenal remnants, bartholinitis, anal and urethral disorders, any and all, vaginal disorders – such as infections or estrogen-deficiency and age-induced thinning of the walls or spermicidal and douche irritations, pelvic disorders from infection, tumors, cervical-uterine abnormalities and torn uterine ligaments.
    • An abnormally positioned uterus can also cause problems, which can be eliminated quickly in some cases with abdominal exercise.

For many women, sexual dysfunction may simply develop as a coping mechanism triggered by a history of sexual trauma, rape, incest, or molestation. These women often have problems with desire, arousal and orgasm or can experience pain with sexual activity.  In some extreme cases, there may be a total sexual aversion.  Sexual dysfunction may also be a side effect of marital or relationship problems or unresolved anger, which may manifest as inhibited desire or reduced arousal.


The normal sexual response involves the three processes of erection, emission and ejaculation (impairment in any one of these areas can be caused by a number of physiologic, psychological and emotional factors).  There are four basic areas of functional breakdown:

Area Number 1: Dysfunction

  1. Vascular dysfunction – men older than 40 years of age, (50%) suffer from a lack of good circulation.
  2. Endocrine dysfunction – hormonal imbalances have a direct effect upon the three processes listed above as do all of these factors.
  3. Neurologic disorders – nerve damage and/or under functioning can interfere with normal male function; diabetes is a big problem here.

Area Number 2: Chronic Disease

  1. Chronic disease – renal failure, chronic fatigue and metabolic slowdown (loss of libido), obesity, heart disease, cancer, or diabetes.

Area Number 3: Penile Diseases and Trauma

  1. Penile diseases – venereal disease (STD’s) or mechanical injuries.  This includes priapism, which is a condition that causes fibrosis to develop within the erectile tissue which in turn makes erection difficult, and Peyronie disease.

Area Number 4: Iatrogenic Factors, Drugs and Alcohol

  1. Iatrogenic factors – surgery (pelvic surgery, prostatectomy (transurethral-suprapubic-simple retropubic), aortoiliac, lymphadenectomy)
  2. Sympathectomy or pharmacologic (drug) therapies such as antihypertensive, antidepressant, antihistamine, antispasmodic, sedative or tranquilizer, barbiturate, diuretic, sex hormone preparation, narcotic or psychoactive drugs.
  3. Alcohol also has a negative effect on sexual function.

As can be seen in the above for both men and women there are a lot of obstacles which may confound the achievement of the most enjoyable and fulfilling sex life.

Men and Women – Together at Last

Perhaps this is where things get most tricky!  Maximum sexual communication between men and women must be heightened for the best experience possible.  This perspective frightens many people but must be investigated to enjoy an optimum sexual experience, and is the subject of another discussion we call the “Man-Woman Connection.”

But there is one thing that is clear – the healthier the body, the better the sex.

This whole process begins with the most efficient metabolism possible, which in turn depends on superior nutrition practices and more effective – preventive lifestyle management – all in the plan of creating more energy whenever possible to run the body better in every aspect.  At the root of it all is the BioCorrect Nutrition™ program, which will quickly sort out metabolic inconsistencies to the level of the most personalized, target specific nutrition program clinically achievable, so that each and every one of us can enjoy the most energetic sex life possible.

A Word of Caution

There are many so-called “sexual remedies” or “performance boosters” for sexual performance deterioration on the open market which tend to distract a person from the real core problem – nutrient/toxic related metabolic breakdown.  These quick fixes do very little and if anything add to the larger problem of sexual dysfunction, because they don’t “hit the nail on the head” properly.  They tend to generalize and fragment the multiple processes of bodily function that need to be addressed as a whole, but differently for each unique person.

Quite in fact, these boosters may cause more harm than good in both the short and the long run.  That is why there is no better place to start than getting your body nutritionally tested and metabolically corrected.  It really is that simple, and do not be fooled by people who just want to sell you potentially dangerous and highly superficial quick fixes!  The right place to start is in making your body work better on all levels.  When it comes to tissues and cells the clinical saying is “all for one and one for all.”

Stop Guessing.  Start Knowing.  It’s In Your BNA!

Suggested Reading:

  1. Tefft, GH. Your Personal Life. Westlake Village, CA: Angel Mind, 2006
  2. Tefft, GH. For Your Body Only: Discover the Diet You Were Born to Eat. Dragon Door Publications, 2003
  3. Tefft, GH, Tefft, L. How to Fix the Broken Healthcare System. Dr. G Tefft, 2019
  4. Watts, D.L. “Commonly Asked Questions About Hair Mineral Analysis.” US: Trace Elements, 1999
  5. Watts, D.L. Trace Elements and Other Essential Nutrients. T.E.I., 1995

These statements have not been directly evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease as a substitution for standard medical care.