General Guidelines: Your BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis (BNA) HTMA report is an analysis of 36 minerals measured in your hair. This clinical lab test is known as a hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), and is used as a basic chemistry and toxicology screening assay. You may hear the test referred to as your hair test, [...]

Metabolism: Synergy and Antagonism of Minerals

The post is part of the premium content available to those who have already purchased BioCorrect Nutrition Analysis with Consult, Stress Pattern Metabolism Optimization Plan, Stable Pattern Metabolism Optimization, Metabolism Optimization Starter Plan, Fat Burning Express Weight Loss, BNA, Consult and Expanded Food Family Chart or Comprehensive Consult with Dr. Tefft. If you have already [...]

Controlling Your Hormones for Peak Performance

I'll bet nobody ever told you that you could precisely control your hormone levels simply by manipulating nutrient and food combinations very closely in order to insure perfect quantum nutrient proportions. You may have heard or read about many generic versions of using carbohydrate/glycogenic manipulation in order to maximize insulin’s growth effects.  How [...]

BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis: Hair Specimen Collection

Thank you for making your metabolism-changing decision to use the BioCorrect Nutrition™ System. Your BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis Hair Collection kit should arrive at your home or office within 2-3 business days via USPS Priority Mail after ordering online at or by calling BioCorrect Nutrition™ customer service at 949-315-8338.  Follow the directions below to [...]

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