Best and Worst Foods for Fast Metabolisms
The Best foods for individuals even within a metabolic type can vary widely according to the individual’s BNA test results, as one person’s mineral excess may be another person’s deficiency. Food recommendations are related to mineral and vitamin content of each food listed, addressing both synergistic and absolute influences. Follow your individual BioCorrect Nutrition™ Analysis [...]
Dr. Greg Tefft, Board Certified Naturopath (A.N.M.A.), Doctorate in Chiropractics (L.A.C.C./S.C.U.) and Triple-Crown Natural Mr. America is “America’s Leader in Personalized Nutrition.” Dr. Tefft is a best-selling author, pioneered the lab-guided, personalized nutrition system at Malibu Health and Rehab in the 80’s and 90’s, member of the 1984 Olympic Team Sports Medicine Staff, and is the co-founder and Chief Science Officer (CSO) of BioCorrect Nutrition.