What is a Faster Metabolism?

Your metabolism is more than just the calories you burn. It is your very own personal chemistry. Your metabolism is the orchestra of your liver, thyroid, gastrointestinal tract, adrenal glands, pancreas, the water you drink, food you eat, oxygen you breathe, genetics you've been given and the environment you live in. In answer [...]

All Medical Laboratories Are Not Created Equal

Why BioCorrect Nutrition Utilize Particular Labs For Nutrition Testing With literally thousands of exponentially multiplying federal/state licensed clinical/reference labs which now perform nutritional (a.k.a. orthomolecular) medical tests, people often wonder why we only utilize only the eight laboratories that we feature. Please keep in mind that there are approximately 1600 (total) nutrient/toxic/enzyme intermediate/metabolic/interactive [...]

2019-08-01T13:50:47-07:00By |Laboratory|

Extreme Weight Loss

It seems as though nowadays everybody is in an extreme hurry to do just about everything including dropping unsightly, unhealthy, unwanted body fat. Inasmuch as the United States is the fattest nation on earth, it’s really no surprise that this phenomenon is on people’s minds to the degree that it is. People simply want [...]

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